I am Bihari.??
Debatable!!! Isn’t it?

I was born and brought up in Mumbai, Maharashtra. So, how can I call myself a  ‘Bihari’. But still I do. It is said that one who belongs to the place, only understands the place better. Well, I guess I leave that onto you to understand.

Bihar is that land where souls like Buddha, Mahavira, Guru Gobind Singh took birth, gained knowledge and enlightened world through their teachings. It is also the same land from where warriors like Chandragupt Maurya, King Ashoka, ruled and had vast empires. Land where patriots like Jayprakash Narayan, Dr. Rajendra Prasad recreated the glory of incredible history of India and Poets like Dinkar & Renu showed the world their greatness in literature. Still many great names to be counted and the list never ends when we talk about personalities of Bihar.


The point to think, rethink and introspect is why this great land has turned vice versa. Illiteracy, poverty, violence has replaced the land of education where once students from across the world used to crave to pursue their studies. Where royal lifestyle of lichhavi’s were envied, where warriors used to fight to protect their land and people. 

Place known for enlightenment and salvation has lost its image due to caste, crime, corruption and creed issues. 

Why all this happened to such a soulful land like Bihar is the pertinent question I wonder. While in Mumbai I always happen to meet Bihari’s as hawkers or labours. I don’t even remember any friend of mine in school or college saying they were from Bihar. Why So much of embarrassment when Bihar as Vihar was so glorified and traditionally rich.

Let’s begin the Journey with great responsibility…’how I see Bihar through my eyes…’

Read each Para in context with the substitute.


# Family’s reaction was to be overlooked

When I stepped in the land of Bihar, I was told it is dangerous place to visit. And it was straight no from family being outsider. Always news had negative propaganda and stories about Bihar were quite scary. 

# My journey as a friend started

Being a strong headed stubborn lady, I had to go anyhow, as it was friends call and I was going to help my friend in his documentary. When I went through the script of documentary. I landed here with the curiosity to know the land where once biggest residential International University educated 1000s of student for higher education. So first thing came to my mind was how to glorify the legacy of Nalanda University in its original form as it was. Let’s create that library which kept burning for 6 months. 

Sounds childish, isn’t it? Believe me, it was, because mere thoughts don’t work; only well planned execution does and frame work of our documentary was first step in making Bihar what it should be.

# Journey of owning the place

I was quite surprised with the place where people were quite opposite to my perception. People I met were simple, innocent and quite knowledgeable. That scary notion I carried vanished from my mind and I was moving around like an alien in the strange land which felt my own land. 

# There is twist involved with my upbringing

What I found disappointing was community was categorised in different caste, class and certainly engulfed with gender biases, which was certainly a new concept for me. I have never come across such community with biased mind set, being a Mumbaikar, my lifestyle, schooling, friends and work culture was quite opposite to what I saw here. So for me it was a learning time because it was me who was supposed to understand the whole system and to see that change I will have to get into system. But for that I needed to know the place better than what I know. 

# There I go on the journey of enlightenment

Rajgir was my first encounter in the year 2007 and it had truthfully, stolen my heart, when I opened the window of my hotel room got mesmerised with the view of the hill right opposite me and that was the day, I decided how about beautifying this place for tourist’s Internationally.  But the government hotel ‘Tathagat’ where we were staying was not maintained well, in spite of eye soothing scenery around. Now I had two things in my mind about Bihar right there, will share in coming Paragraphs.

# Documentary making to book publishing

So my Journey began with the making of Documentary on Nalanda Ruins and continued further to the land of enlightenment – ‘Bodhgaya’. That moment under the sacred Bodhi Tree was so magical that my desire to trace the footsteps of Buddha came to my mind. My journey continued with connecting Buddhist corridors of Bihar which resulted in our first travelogue ‘Buddha in Bihar’. 

# Journey with Buddham Sharman Gachchami 

Everything comes with a vision and Buddha was one such vision I found in Bihar, as it attracted international tourists and had 2nd highest International tourist footfall in India after UP.I could see wide potential to work on the development of tourism in the state. But had limited to few fixed places due to its fearful past history. Tourists were guided by hotels and tourist guides to never go beyond Bodhgaya as it would be dangerous. Only specific groups used to visit Nalanda, so tourists in Bihar were staying for hardly one or two days max, that too in their respective monasteries. 

But with this book- ‘Buddha in Bihar’ – The travelogue, we tried to expand tourists vision and notion to explore more in the land of enlightenment, but major challenge was how it would be accepted widely by Buddhists, we realised that it was only possible with the help of His Holiness Dalai Lama. He read our draft and signed a foreword in ‘Buddha in Bihar’ – The travelogue. Now even this was history in the making, a book was sketched and written by immature writers, but with a great vision bearer like us. Emotion and passion lead to a successful distribution, later this book reached Buddhists across the world and was recognised as state gift by Honourable Chief Minister of Bihar, Shri Nitish Kumar. He took extra efforts in spreading the idea behind this book. So from here onwards who can stop us, first step was well covered and relived.

# Journey from Buddhist corridor to religious corridors began

Ideas kept coming and from Buddhist corridor we stepped further to other pilgrimage sites of Bihar – Sikh circuit, Hindu circuit, Ramayana Circuit, Jain Circuit, Sufi circuit. We made our point by exploring all the major destinations, which can be of importance and interest to respective devotees. 

# So was I on right track? 

Now it was time to explore all 38 districts of Bihar, as all the above mentioned Circuits were spread all across Bihar, which was not easy. Already we had invested 4 years to this land and whatever we earned was spent in research and documentation. With zero bank balance we kept earning Bihar’s faith and it was totally worth it. 

Gradually we were recognised for our exclusivity in promoting tourism and were appreciated and awarded by Bihar Government, Prominent universities and management colleges. Our Another beautiful and creative documentation was ‘Madhubani’- The Art Capital, which was graced by then Governor and present Hon’ble President of India, Shri Ramnath Kovind Ji. As usual that was not something to get satisfied as journey was way too long.

We participated in various events representing Bihar. Not only we helped government officially and unofficially in growing tourism standards but in no cost made website which was a true Encyclopaedia of Bihar. We had set the standard of tourism by this step which was carried forward by tourism department for 10 long years due to its exclusivity. Journey continued, as still the goal was not reached and it was not enough to make a move to call on tourists. On positive note, journey was continued in finding niche.

# Journey of exclusivity

Our exploration of 38 districts for various tourist destinations introduced us to Eco tourism and we started exploring forest areas and as a result, we have discovered 200 Rock art shelters and we are truly proud of our work. Today from documentation of unknown and untold destinations we have become discoverers. Findings from naxal affected jungle were truly something that we had got involved in. Administration had warned us to stay away from such exploration as it was risk to life and they may not be able to help us in any such situation. But we said straight no to them because by that we would never win the faith of villagers and for us exploring forest without villagers was not possible. Our work in naxal affected area started along with wood cutters and hunters.

# Journey of making impossible, possible!

Those wide lush greens amidst danger got us to amazing treasures beneath Rock Shelters. We found Rock paintings carved and drawn by humans of different ages, ranging from 4000 to 10000 years ago. With the help from experts of ASI, we have prepared a report of our discovery and now submitted to Government.

Journey on this front is continued but now the question is how it will help Bihar and Bihari’s. Because with these findings we can look for the development of adventure tourism in the area and this can change the very economic and social condition of villagers around. But, In spite of all these research, documentation, discoveries and promotions, we realised that there is still things to be done.

# Strategy of Vlogging journey in connect to Bihar’s vision

With Xtreme Roads I started exploring destinations and religious tourism of India. It was an attempt to connect the dots. I won’t say Bihar was the only reason but as an explorer, travel and tourism was part of our life style. As day progressed we gained the faith of people/audience and now it is 3.5 lac strong.  With such strong base now it was Bihar’s turn. Through Xtreme Roads, I could connect land of Bihar strongly and convincingly. Now Point is who will want to come to Bihar if Bihari’s are not aware of their treasure. 

# Journey of Bihari’s Awareness programme

In spite of all this, I believe Bihar is still not ready for tourists. Because just by promoting places through various medium, one may get tourists in Bihar but what if they are not facilitated, they will never come back or may even go with bad impression. So first is, getting Bihar traveller ready in terms of infrastructure and it needs tourist favouring place. Well, we just can’t expect tourists to come in before adding value to it.

Beautiful websites, brochures, events will not make tourism grow in Bihar unless people of Bihar are aware of the treasure they have and that they can make big time economic stability through tourism industry.

It’s unfortunate that Bihar has no 5 star hotel.

As mentioned earlier that I have two things to share and those are :

  1. Bihar being a land of education can certainly work in this sector by creating one of the top University with same old richness of culture and quality education.
  2. Bihar has immense tourism potential, it needs to grow and create international standards and a lot needs to be done in this area.
    1. Educating citizens in general about tourist need.
      • Airline Industry.
      • Car Rental.
      • Water Transport.
      • Coach Services.
      • Railway.
      • Hotels.
      • Shared Accommodation.
      • Agri farms
      • Restaurants
      • Food and beverages 
    2. Educating Government to understand the impact of tourism development facilities.
    3. Upgrading hospitality industry by bringing luxury hotels, breaking monotony and monopoly of specific hotels.
    4. Inviting Institutes related to tourism Industry.
    5. Inviting Travel Agents to connect tourists across the world.
    6. Promotional activities
      • Visibility in popular magazines.
      • Inviting Influencers to spread the word.
      • Creating Social media buzz. 
    7. Organising events related to tourism.


  1. Tourism is a high impact industry which can change the whole outlook of a state and build an interstate relationship which involves all the above mentioned sectors.

    As an explorer I would proudly say that I am a ‘Bihari’ now whether you agree or disagree. My responsibility has grown now. Now we all must strive for the development of the state in all possible sectors.

    Bihar being so rich in agriculture can definitely develop Agro based Industry, it can create a chain starting right from warehouse to transportation to processing units to packaging to selling it off in mandis which in turn can be exported as well.

    Coming back to what I said – Bihar is a land of education. It’s so visible across sector, whether it’s IT, administration or entrepreneurship they are everywhere. They must come forward and add value to Bihar as this land demands to bring back the glory how it was in the past and what have we made it for now and how we can change it. Bihar demands change for good and who will bring that other than we Bihari’s. 

    Hope I am very loud and clear to how I see Bihar as – not just by words but by deeds. 

    Thought behind GTRi is exactly – ‘Grand Trunk Road Initiatives’ 

    ‘For Bihar’

    Grand – larger than our imaginations

    Trunk – strong that should never fall again

    Road – smoother path where all the obstacles vanish

    Initiatives – united we stand united we grow

Author – Vaishali Seta
Serial Entrepreneur, Explorer & Traveller
Founder – Xtremeroads

Picture 1 – Ghora Katora

Picture 2 – Barabar Caves