JOIN THE EVENT Why To Join 'GTRi 3.0' ?

Acting as a catalyst and an enabler

Bihar has spent decades catching up to the rest of the nation, but it still falls behind. For India’s development trajectory, Bihar’s development must advance. GTRi, through its role as a major promoter and enabler of bringing in like-minded people on its dialog platform and building this ecosystem will naturally play a critical role in capitalising on this opportunity and achieving success for the state.

Enabler of ecosystem

For innovation to spread and scale, we must create ways for latent demand to become viable demand; we must democratize opportunities for all. Hearing about other people’s experiences can be very exciting if you’re feeling out of ideas. Connecting with successful achievers at an innovative platform such as GTRi is a sure-fire way to reignite your passion. GTRi aims to constantly reframe the conversation and mindfully re-examine the tools and our goals.

Creating a diverse community and dialogue

Bringing people together can often be a challenge, especially when your group is spread out across the country, or even the world. GTRI wants our community to grow organically, creating a platform that brings people together. Meeting as a group will create a culture and atmosphere where individuals feel part of something bigger than themselves. Feeling included or invited can be extremely powerful.

PR and Learning opportunities

GTRi is dedicated to bring together thought-leaders, creators, innovators and makers to discuss, debate, showcase new products and identify future opportunities. New-age businesses will be critical in achieving Bihar’s economic target. Bringing in start-ups to operate within this rapidly-growing ecosystem with vastly untapped segments and markets.

Our Mission GTRi 3.0

GTRi mission is to leverage fundamental design thinking principles and innovative problem-solving tools to address developmental challenges and build strategies, teams, and environments for optimal use and performance.

GTRi aims for a wide range of professional experiences and backgrounds and create stronger collaboration dynamics to heighten innovation.

GTRi 2.0 is driven by four main pillars :

  • Clarify
  • Ideate
  • Develop
  • Implement
Objectives of GTRi 3.0 :

NOW GTRi Why Grand Trunk Road Initiatives 3.0

Dialog, Togetherness and Possibilities

Grand Trunk Road Initiatives (GTRi) is a nonpartisan think tank that promotes serious, meaningful, and pertinent dialogue about and, most crucially, in Bihar.

Creating GTRi

With the long-term goal of promoting changes through educated public opinion and citizenship participation, the GTRI’s mission is to bring policy to the people and consequently connect them with issues that truly matter in today’s developmental paradigm of Bihar.

GTRi-a catalyst and a facilitator.

Long-lasting innovation must be created in partnership with the stakeholders who will use it and maintain it, and these stakeholders are frequently eager to collaborate and borrow ideas from one another. By publishing research reports that examines systems of policy and data and how they relate to one another, the GTRI seeks to advance a new theory of policy-data interactions.

Bringing People Together

A peculiar characteristic affecting development, and one that separates Bihar from their counterparts is the sense of collective identity. Bihar has spent decades catching up to the rest of the nation, but it still falls behind. For India’s development trajectory, Bihar’s development must advance. There are several factor impeding development in the region, including some natural factors as well. Since the state is land-locked, and is at a rather disadvantageous position with regards to international trade, compared to states located along the coast. Bihar is third and is expected to replace Maharashtra as the second-most populous state, owing to its rapid population growth. The idea of the global transformation of societies and markets seems daunting at this point of juncture, so GTRi is breaking it down into little steps and we value your actions as part of a collective force.

Enabler of ecosystem- GTRi

For innovation to spread and scale, we must create ways for latent demand to become viable demand; we must democratize opportunities for all. Hearing about other people’s experiences can be very exciting if you’re feeling out of ideas. Connecting with successful achievers at an innovative platform such as GTRi is a sure-fire way to reignite your passion.

Creating a diverse community and dialogue.

Communities normally exist when people are united by a cause, want to celebrate a shared passion or to explore a particular theme or topic. But how do you go about bringing these people together? And how do you keep them connected?

Bringing people together can often be a challenge, especially when your group is spread out across the country, or even the world. GTRI wants our community to grow organically, creating a platform that brings people together. Meeting as a group will create a culture and atmosphere where individuals feel part of something bigger than themselves. Feeling included or invited can be extremely powerful.


GTRi 1.0- Understanding the challenges.

Creation is the language of action – a compelling story around what we might be able to discover together, or do together, or experience together. Building on the curiosity of the diaspora, especially when someone shares something that has some kind of emotional attachment. We are trying to point in the direction of something more – because there’s always more to the story.


GTRi 2.0- Creating Possibilities.

Opening up the conversation often means starting with yourself. Your motivations for starting a dialog platform can be wildly varied. It may be that you are trying to engage with a community or a passionate individual that wants to create something for likeminded people that doesn’t yet exist. Social cohesion, economic prosperity, and healthy environment are three factors that interact to create sustainability. GTRI is now helping the community to grow, influence and thrive. GTRI fosters a creative partnership to work with or a fellow enthusiast to share ideas with, make an environment where the purpose of the dialog platform can be achieved.

GTRi 3.0- The Executor, 25th and 26th February 2023, Patna

Spread is a more potent metaphor that is better suited to the age of networks, where ideas and instances can quickly adapt to new situations. Considering everything from climate change to healthcare, infrastructure to technology, employment to social protection for every person, can we eventually come up with a plan for the greater good of all those who are contributing for the state at their individual capacities.

Inter-connectedness with the local community and technology embedded into the heart of learning and relationship-building. We must create cost-effective, simplified, and fast discovery procedures that empower communities to find their own local solutions.

The “we” above refers to ecosystem enablers and GTRI is a unique platform for this. Bihar needs a collaborative approach to progress, in collaboration with the government and all other stakeholders. New-age businesses will be critical in achieving Bihar’s economic target. Bringing in start-ups to operate within this rapidly-growing ecosystem with vastly untapped segments and markets.

GTRi, through its role as a major promoter and enabler of bringing in like-minded people on its dialog platform and building this ecosystem will naturally play a critical role in capitalising on this opportunity and achieving success for the state. We need a force to break the adversity, and at GTRi we are committed to deliver with an intention of appealing to our individual and collective conscience.

Topics for GTRi 3.0:

1.Bihar: The Land of Opportunity?

2.How Bihar can attract Investment?

3.Affordable Education: Possibilities & Role of Technology

4.Role & Impact of Media in Creating or Destroying Brand Bihar

5.Entrepreneurship: An Opportunity to be grabbed or an Idea to be executed?

6.Modern Bihari Literature: Quest of Voyage & Return

7.VC Funding: Myth v/s Reality

GTRi 3.0 aims to enhance the positive impacts of bringing diverse diaspora on one platform and thus enhance partnerships, promote leadership development and strengthen multi-stakeholder collaboration. This will help in creating an ecosystem for others to come in and leverage the benefits. GTRi will help in promoting public private partnership and also provide strategic guidance to expand partnership efforts.


Present situation of Bihar portrays the glory the citizens have brought to their motherland despite the challenges faced by them.

People of Bihar are way beyond anyone’s mental setup and prejudicial opinion. Policy frameworks established by the state seems to have brought impact, however the reality of implementation shows various areas of improvement.

The prejudice with which the state of Bihar is perceived is of not so civilized, less educated, socially excluded class of robust merit people. Question is are we like that? Answers is certainly NOT. Having been bestowed with rich geography, culture and economic history, Bihar has been the anchor of the country’s labor and food supply which need to be brought into the limelight.

Bihari has become a social abuse which every individual born on this land is by default prone to irrespective of his level of education, employment and entrepreneurial class and place of residence anywhere in India. While the farmers in Maharashtra commit suicide under the burden of debt farmers of Bihar end up slumming the metropolis cities.

Bihar’s youths who are engaged in various sectors and paying their part in the mammoth task of nation building are sometimes neglected. Besides, research also shows a rise in the number of male migrants from Bihar who are the graduates moving to other States to eke out a living. Impetuous being low per capita income and high expenditure in urban and rural areas. Bihar still lies at the bottom in these parameters contributing to massive brain drain and losing its glory.

The long-standing ambition of Aamatya Foundation has always been to support people and organizations coming from different sectors to become more relevant, resilient and responsive to digital cultural changes. For the last ten years it has been leading a silent revolution in digital understanding, ask better questions, experiment, learn, adapt and ultimately drive forward positive change across organizations and ultimately the sector.

GTRi within the course will help in development of a range of models leading to the establishment of a robust, laterally networked scheme which triangulates university, commercial and non-commercial environments with the expertise of multiple contributors.

Why cultural renaissance is not talked about in Bihar, a land filled with rich cultural heritage. An initiative of bridging the gap of glorified potential of these extraordinary brains needed to be tapped. Providing them platform to discuss, build on the ideas they have for their State’s development and a think tank to deliver these ideas.

GTRi aims to bring in the intellectuals on one common platform and to nurture ties with the active diaspora which include all Biharis and those who believe and strive for the grandeur of Bihar for an accelerated technological sector and enhanced socioeconomic development.
GTRi will ensure to take up the limits of this vibrant diaspora and excel from fixed cartographic coordinates of ‘home’ and ‘away’. Connecting people to home and bringing economic prosperity through their innovations. It is important to understand the thin fabric of unity which we share based on the noble democratic and constitutional values of brotherhood, fraternity and collective coexistence with mutual respect and prosperous thoughts and ideas.

Investigating these silences is an important part of GTRi, an apolitical think tank striving to celebrate glorified history, fill the development lacunas and bridge the gaps of ideas and execution.

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